Does Happy77 Really Post on the Community Blog?

The question for this post is, Does Happy77 really post on the Community Blog? You might wonder why I'm bringing this up, but there have been quite a few updates and mistakes made. Basically, my friend Slidoo noticed that "Happy77" spelt her name wrong in a recent post:

... But this has since been fixed:

Of course, this could have been a simple typo, but take a look at a recent update. No longer will "Billybob" reply to your question or comment on the Club Penguin Community Blog. Instead of it saying "Billybob" or "Happy77" it now says "Club Penguin Support Team". Check it out:

... And What It Said In Older Posts:

So basically, there are multiple changes that could have been made to Billybob and Happy77's involvement on the Club Penguin Community Blog. Here are just a few...
  • They still post on the blog but no longer respond to comments
  • They still post on the blog and still respond to comments under the "Club Penguin Support Team" title
  • They no longer post on the blog and they no longer respond to comments
  • Sometimes they post on the the blog, sometimes they don't
-1candy0, Cheats With Candy President.

Club Penguin Card Jitsu Fire Glitch

Today, while attempting to become a Fire Ninja on Club Penguin, I was met with a rather annoying glitch. This glitch would not allow me to play, and I could not exit out with the "X" button so I had to log off. Here is a picture:
Instead of Sensei's usual words, he was saying the following words:
This example text,
I have put it on three lines,
Not a good haiku. 
Also, there is a loading issue, and before I have selected from the options (Which have been replaced with "This is a menu item!" it has already started to load a new game, but not correctly. The timer is not functioning correctly, the Penguin Colour is not correct, the Penguin Names are not visible, and, finally, no other penguin can join the game.

I am not yet sure if this is a recurring bug, or if it is a new bug. Whatever so, it has only happened to me once and it may just be an issue with my connection.

-1candy0, Cheats With Candy President.

Club Penguin Parent Newsletter

Today, while checking my emails, I noticed that Club Penguin had sent a new email newsletter. This newsletter, informs us of the August Party, let's us know about "Think: We" and tells us about a new System Defender level. Let's check it out:
(Click To Enlarge)

As you can see, the August Party will be a snow race evolving Elite Penguin Force Agents. Why do you think EPF Agents will be needed at this party? Tell me your theory in a comment.

-1candy0, Cheats With Candy President.

Club Penguin: Rockhopper Around The World

Happy77 had an idea to make a video out of all the amazing photos you've sent in. Since Rockhopper's here for the Island Adventure Party, they thought that they should make one with pictures of him. Look at all the places he's been!

I think Club Penguin are trying to return old features and make them more modern, and I think this is a great way to do it. Which Rockhopper Around The World Picture is your favourite?

-1candy0, Cheats With Candy President.

Club Penguin Times Issue #301

Today, while waddling around the island displaying my new Tropical Bird Pin, I noticed there was a new issue of the Club Penguin Times. Here is this week's main story...

And this week's sub-story...

And now the Upcoming Events...

  • August 4th - New Penguin Style Catalog
  • August 4th - August Party Revealed
  • August 11th - New Pin Hidden
  • August 18th - Team Blue vs Team Red at the Stage
Are you excited for any of the upcoming events? I am excited for the revealing of the August Party! I really hope it's the Festival Of Flight again!

-1candy0, Cheats With Candy President.

New Club Penguin Tropical Bird Pin

Today, Club Penguin has released a new collectible pins. If you do not know what pins are, allow me to explain. Pins are like stickers which you can display on your player card. A new one is hidden every two weeks, sometimes more than one. The thing is, pins never return. To find the new Tropical Bird pin, follow this guide:

  • Click your Club Penguin map.
  • Go to the Town.
  • Enter the Gift Shop.
  • Go to the location shown below:
  • You should now have the newest Club Penguin Collectible Pin.
What are your opinions on this pin? Are you going to display it on your player card, or stamp book? Let me know in a comment.

-1candy0, Cheats With Candy President.

Club Penguin and Canuck Place Hospice

Club Penguin have taken a few terminally ill children from Canuck Place Hospice on a tour of their headquarters in Kelowna. The children got to play with upcoming Club Penguin Merchandise, along with Club Penguin Founder, Lane Merrifield. This video explains more:

I think it is great that Club Penguin is doing it's part in the community near their headquarters. This is what makes Club Penguin different from any other online Virtual World. 

-1candy0, Cheats With Candy President.

Welcome to Club Penguin Cheats With Candy

Hello, and welcome to my newly re-rebranded blog - Cheats With Candy. Cheats With Candy will offer high quality Club Penguin Cheats. But in the future I am planning to expand, hoping to post helpful articles on the most popular online Virtual Worlds as well as Club Penguin. For now, enjoy the new theme, vote on the poll and comment!

-1candy0, Cheats With Candy President.

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