Does Happy77 Really Post on the Community Blog?

The question for this post is, Does Happy77 really post on the Community Blog? You might wonder why I'm bringing this up, but there have been quite a few updates and mistakes made. Basically, my friend Slidoo noticed that "Happy77" spelt her name wrong in a recent post:

... But this has since been fixed:

Of course, this could have been a simple typo, but take a look at a recent update. No longer will "Billybob" reply to your question or comment on the Club Penguin Community Blog. Instead of it saying "Billybob" or "Happy77" it now says "Club Penguin Support Team". Check it out:

... And What It Said In Older Posts:

So basically, there are multiple changes that could have been made to Billybob and Happy77's involvement on the Club Penguin Community Blog. Here are just a few...
  • They still post on the blog but no longer respond to comments
  • They still post on the blog and still respond to comments under the "Club Penguin Support Team" title
  • They no longer post on the blog and they no longer respond to comments
  • Sometimes they post on the the blog, sometimes they don't
-1candy0, Cheats With Candy President.

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